Receiver-transmitter unit
- wave length range - 5mm;
- transmitter is designed on the base of generation on
avalanche transit time diode with driving power 50 mVt;
- antenna system cosysts of two receiver-transmitter
horns, the electrical axis of which are get out of plumb for +45° and -45°
Measurement unit
- is designed on a base of a low-power, hight-performance
CMOS 8-bit microcomputer AT89C52;
- swapping interface - RS-232. At the customers request
the additional swapping interfaces are RS-485 and "Manchester-2";
- guarantees built-in functional control, which locate
a fault up to structurally independent unit;
- products full range of radar supply voltage;
- emission turn in - with the help of measurement block
toggle switch or after external command logical "1" of TTL level.
Data updating frequency
- movement velocity, path and time of a motion are updated
with the frequency of 10 Hz or 1 Hz;
- discretenessof reading information by customer is defined
by master swapping device. Requirements to the installation on using activity
- installation heigh - 0.5-2 m over the roadbed;
- error of receiver-transmitter unit installation angle
(relatively to horizontal plane) is not more then +-1°.
Usage parameters
- when installing radar on using activity recalibration
on l-kilometer flat section of road is necessary. Limit of road adjustment
accuracy is 3·10-3 m.;
- customer’s software (for IBM compatible computers)
for radar recalibration and testing is available. Software for IBM-compatible
computers which permit radar initialization and adjustment, control its
type of operation, represent output information, accumulates and processes
input data is also delivered.